Please practice at home today. We will have severe weather this evening (storms, flood watch, etc.)
Tie Die Rescheduled for 8/12.
We have rescheduled our tie dye activity for Friday, August 12th at Ettrick Park from 6-8PM. If your child can not make it, we will tie dye her shirt in her absence. We will also have the children decorate posters to use for field day next week.
At Home Practice:
Please review the following blog post and YouTube videos with your cheerleader. I will repost the YouTube links to EYSA specific cheers in our GroupMe.
Tik Tok Challenge:
Please have your cheerleader practice our EYSA Cheer Tik Tok Challenge. We can hardly wait to see our cheerleaders perform the challenge together at field day!!
Field Day 8/17:
We will likely need parent volunteers for our field day practice. I will keep you updated.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Stay safe!